Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog Has Been Moved

Alright, for anyone who follows my blog regularly, I just want to let you know, that I've stopped using blogspot, and I've switched to Wordpress on my own server!
I figured I'd like to give it a try since it has quite a few themes available, and would be more customizable.

Check it out at
I'll leave comments open on there as well.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Comparison of IRC Clients

Alright, so today, I figured I'd talk about different IRC clients. There are TONS, of different clients, and if you include bots, then there are even more!

First, I'd like to comment on the image above. This is an image screen capped of my desktop, it's 2 sessions of irssi running, my favorite client over any of them.

So, first what is IRC? IRC, stands for Internet Relay Chat. It was fairly popular in the 90's, and is still popular today. For a fun fact, a lot VPS providers don't like people running IRC, because they attract DDoS attacks.

Moving on, we'll start with mIRC, a client for Windows created in the 90's, and is still being developed today. Has very powerful scripting features, and is very user friendly. Some people actually go as far as making bots with the scripting, and widgets and some other things too. Personally, I've used mIRC years back, and even made some of my own scripts for it, but it's an overhyped client to be honest.

Next, we have XChat, I'll recommend this one, since it's open source, and has a really cool interface. In addition, it has perl and python scripting. Anyone who has used mIRC, could probably easily adapt to XChat, since they are similar in layout. XChat is also cross platform, meaning it will work on Windows and Linux, and I believe there is a separate fork of XChat, called XChat Aqua for OS X.

Now, for my favorite, irssi. This is a CLI based client, making it very convenient to access irc servers remotely (for example if you have ssh access to a linux server). Another plus, is that it's open source as well, and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It also has perl scripting, and themes (though I've never bothered with themes), so, it is VERY customisable. Plus, it's a very nice client to have if an ircop decided to loloperabuse for example, and SAJOINED you to 300 channels, you can issue '/wc x y' , to leave the channels, instead of restarting your client, or closing them manually. It even supports multiple servers so this is another cool feat. Overall, I would recommend this client to everyone :)

Alright , so BitchX, is another CLI based client, it's similar to irssi in it's look, however they're slightly different. I haven't used BitchX all that much, and it's been a while since I last used it, but, all I can really say is that it has TCL scripting.

Next is Colloquy, right off the bat, I'm going to say that I've never used it, nor will I EVER use it, since it's for OS X/Apple devices (Yeah, you can call me biased, I don't care, I fucking hate Apple). On the plus side, it IS open source, it has scripting of some sort, and you can use it on iphones/ipod touches, which is good for people who want to irc on an iphone/ipad.

Another growing client, is Mibbit. I can't tell you much since I don't really use it, or NEED to use it, but it's a web based one that uses ajax....... That's about all I know. I guess it's good for using at school/work/library or if you want to go on irc from a computer where you don't want to install a client.

Icechat is another Windows client that looks similar to mIRC, is VERY user friendly, supports multiple servers, and has a scripting engine of some sort. I know a few people that use it, and they seem to like it over any other client. Personally, it's not for me, since I like CLI based stuff in general.

A lot of multi-im software such as pidgin, trillian, have irc clients built into them. Also, firefox has an addon called chatzilla, and opera has a built in one. Again, I haven't looked into them that much, but they will lack most features that a stand-alone client likely has.

Anyway, there are more clients, but those are the most commonly used ones.

Once you have a client, feel free to check out our network over at, and if you need any help, you can contact one of the ircops (irc operators), who include me (rayZor_), Courtney, NekoArc, NOXOiD, and there's probably a few others, but I'm too lazy to go look at who they are :P

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Comparison of Web Browsers

Okay, so, having been switching between windows/linux, I always find myself using different browsers for different things. A lot of the time you'll see browser benchmarks for which is the 'fastest'. That's not what I'm going to be talking about today.

Today, I'm going to be discussing some key features, pros/cons of each browser (or at least the ones I have used).

So first off, let me get this out of the way. Internet Explorer, I don't use it, I hate it, I think it's another proprietary piece of shit by Microsoft, however I've heard that the new Internet Explorer 9 is stripped down, and is supposed to be better, but I really have no intention of finding out. If you're looking for info on IE, and only IE, stop reading now!

Next up we have Firefox, and what can I say, probably one of the browsers I use more frequently, since it has a metric fuckton of addons for it, and in my opionion, it's probably one of the better browsers for web developers. One of my big issues with it, is that it seems to consume a lot more memory in comparison to Opera or Chrome. Most of the time though I'll use Firefox, when I'm programming something in php/html/css.

So, I've said that Firefox has a bunch of addons for web development, however I've used certain addons to aide me in making post bots for phpbb, SMF, IPB and vBulletin style boards, back when I needed one for grabbing data from an SVN repository and posting it to my programming forums I had at the time.

What are some of these addons you ask? And what do they do?

-Firebug - This addon is VERY useful to web developers, essentially what you can do, is click on certain features in the graphical part of a web browser, and then it will show you the html code of what you have clicked. You can even change that component.

-Live HTTP Headers - This one I find myself using quite often, since I'm fascinated by making my own bots that connect to a web page, login, and parse some data on a page, saving me time. What this addon does, is view the HTTP Requests, and Responses, and can even allow you to modify a request, and replay it in the browser.

-Tamper Data - I find myself using as often as I do as Live HTTP Headers, though this one is more useful for playing with POST data, and testing for SQL injections, XSS/CSRF exploits. VERY handy to have, and is a must in any web developer's arsenal.

-User Agent Switcher - This can be useful for testing things on your site, if you're doing anything involving the display of user agents, or similar. Allows you to modify the User-Agent header, nothing special.

-Web Developer - Okay this does a bunch of stuff. An example of one of the things, is easily disabling cookies. But it does MUCH MUCH more than just that. I would say this is nearly as useful as Firebug.

-DownThemAll - This is a really nice addon if you frequently browse *Chan sites, like 4chan. You can download all the images in a thread with ease, with the click of a button.

-Greasemonkey - Well, I haven't actually used this addon, nor do I really know what it does exactly, I just know that it does a metric fuckton of stuff. I'll leave it up to you to check out.

Okay, now that Firefox is out of the way, moving on to Opera, quite possibly one of my favorite browsers, this is probably due to the fact that, until about 3 months ago, I had dialup, since there was no broadband coverage in my area, and Opera his this neat feature called Opera Turbo, which degrades image quality, and compresses pages using Opera's server.  For dialup users, or users with relatively slow connections, I would definitely recommend you give this browser a go, or even if you're on Flaky wifi connections, it can help too. My big issue with opera, is it's lack of support for socks proxies. Meaning it's harder for me to tunnel my connection through SSH. Though there are workarounds for this, it would be nice if it was implemented natively. Also, where firefox has Firebug as an extension, Opera has something called DragonFly, which is essentially the exact same thing, but it's already built into opera.

Moving on to Chromium, I can't really say too much about it, since I haven't used it extensively, BUT, one of the features that I really love about it, is it's Incognito Mode. Essentially what this allows you to do, is open a window, and browse, login to sites, etc. Then when you close the window, it doesn't save your history, cookies or anything of the like. This would be very good for public computers, like at a library or school for example. Apart from that, I don't really like the layout of it. Also, it has an element inspector similar to that of Firebug and DragonFly.

Okay, this next one, most linux users will know about anyway, but the newer users to linux may not know about this. There is a text-only browser for the terminal, and it's called lynx. Why would someone want something like this you ask? I think the question is, WHY NOT? If you have ssh access to a *Nix box with lynx installed, but you don't have the ability to ssh tunnel, this might be useful for getting around firewalls. Otherwise, if you're hardpressed for bandwidth (on dialup for example), then it might be useful, since it doesn't have to download images. I wouldn't recommend it for every day use though.

There are still more browsers, however those are the more commonly used ones (with the exception of lynx). Opera is my favorite for general browsing, firefox for development, and chromium seems like it might have the potential for anonymous browsing.

Anyways, hope this info is useful in some way to you.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Okay, so, today I'd like to talk about GNU/Linux, how much does the average person know about linux? Probably not much, except that, it powers many of the websites we see online today.

Personally, I've been using linux on and off for years now, and I've always felt the need for Windows, because it's so mainstream, however for the past 3 months, I've decided to switch to linux as my primary operating system, and use a small partition for windows. Why keep Windows? It's still useful to have in case I need to do something with it (for whatever reason), but in addition, I can still play all my games. Yes sure, there's things for linux such as cedega, and wine, but they don't always work.

One really exciting thing that has been on Slashdot recently as well as other tech sites, is that Directx 10 and 11 are actually becoming native to linux. Funny how linux gets it before Windows XP eh?

So, for those of you who are wondering what this post is really about, well, I wanted to talk about my experience going 'fully' linux.

Switching to linux was probably one of the best things I've done in a while. Why? There are just so many amazing features, or pros I guess you could say, compared to Windows. Most notably, with the OS booted, my memory usage is far lower. Also, we have compiz fusion, which you could compare with Aero in vista/win7.

So, what else is good about linux? Your system can be customised easily, to fit what YOU want. This can be everything to desktop themes, widgets, different effects in compiz,. Everything is more flexible.

In addition to flexibility, comes security. Linux is less prone to things such as viruses, and other malware. Why? Simply because of system privileges that a piece of software is run at, not to mention most software for linux is open source, meaning you have the source code, and could potentially look for backdoors, etc, if you really wanted to.

One thing I will say about linux, is that, it can be a hassle , depending on what distribution you choose. If you choose something like slackware, debian, or gentoo, or even archlinux, it's going to be tricky to set up, if you've never used linux before. Not only that, but once you get the OS installed, there are drivers as well, which can be really easy, or a pain in the ass, depending on your hardware.
Newer users may wish to use a distro such as Ubuntu, which is the most commonly used, or some may choose LinuxMint (which is a distro of ubuntu).

Anyway, if you are a new linux user, and you're reading this, here are a few piecies of software you should try out.

Compiz Fusion (Similar to Aero for Windows)
Conky (Desktop widget that does a metric TON of things)
Gimp (Photoshop alternative)
Mangler (Ventrilo Client)
OpenOffice (Microsoft Office alternative)
Pidgin (Instant messenger that supports MANY protocols, including MSN, AIM, Yahoo)
Shutter (A really nice piece of software for taking screenshots, and uploading it to some place on the web)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monetizing a website - Making money from adverts

Okay, so for today, I'm going to do an entry on monetizing a site.

First, what is monetizing a site, and how do you do it?
Well monetizing can be described as, earning money through a 3rd party, such as advertisements.

There are MANY different sites we can use for advertisements, however currently I'm only using Google adsense, simply because I don't want my page bombarded with advertisements, I think that just the one is fine for me, as this is a hobby thing anyways.

So, to start we have google adsense, and so far it seems to be fairly good, though, it can be a bit tedious to set up. You need to first sign up, have a pin mailed to your address to verify that you didn't use false info. There's also phone verification, and two other things I believe, but I would say it's worth the trouble. :)

Next on the list is AdBrite, I haven't really used them, as the ads weren't showing up for me so I just gave up, but from what I've been told by others, they're less strict about ads, and site content, than google. So keep that in mind, if you're posting 'mature' content.

There's also linkbucks, and . These sites are more url redirects, however they can be VERY effective if used right. For example, have you ever seen a facebook group that says "Top 3 things men hate in a relationship.", and then it will ask you to hit the Like button before you view it? Well, these are usually 'viral' advertising, and can be used to get massive traffic, if the right keywords are used. If you use linkbucks on your site to automatically convert offsite url's, be careful with what sort of redirect you use. Intermission ads can really piss people off, and possibly lower your potential earnings.

Now, these are just a few of the ones I know of offhand, however there are tons more advertising sites you could use. If none of these ones interest you, you could try googling for more, and then read reviews on certain ones to make sure they're reputable and actually pay out.

Anyways, hope this is useful to everyone!


Here are the links to different ad places,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Torrents replacing other download standards.

So, I read something on Slashdot yesterday, it was talking about torrents replacing other means of downloads, that is to say, it would replace things such as OS patches, game patches (like World of Warcraft already does, and I think League of Legends does it too).

What does this mean? It would mean, whenever new content is released, like for example, when the release candidate for Windows 7 first came out, it was really hard to get a copy of it, due to strains on the servers.

To give you an idea of how torrents work, (Actually I'm not too sure on parts of it myself) what usually happens, is that the torrent will have a tracker where the person's client will connect, and get a list of peers. There's also DHT (Distributed Hash Table) , which is another feature with bittorrent , however I'm unclear myself as to the full mechanics of it. Read here for more info on DHT.

Moving on, what does this mean if we replaced standard http/ftp downloads with bittorrent? This will mean, that there will be less strain on the distributer's servers, because, once one person downloads it, he will start 'seeding' peices of the files which he downloaded from the distributer, to other people that connect to the tracker, or via DHT. So, instead of 1 central location being bombarded with thousands upon thousands of download requests, we have many people from different areas sharing the same file. Not only does this help reduce bandwidth costs for the distributer, but it helps improve the download rate.

Should we switch to torrents for Games/OS patches, and everything else? I don't see why not, it's a very effective way of distribution. It's only pitfall is, after a while if people stop 'seeding' (uploading) , then the download will die off until someone seeds again.

Having said that, this may cause a problem for such institutions for public schools, where they usually block non-standard ports (80, 443, sometimes 21-23 are considered standard) , if major OS's were to move to bittorrent. What would this allow for if they allowed torrent traffic? Probably kids pirating stuff in school etc.

But, nevertheless , with every good side , there's always of course downside too.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm date finally released!

So, today it has been officially announced by Blizzard, that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is set to release on December 7th!

It's being released slightly after my birthday, but hey, I'll get someone to pre-order it for my birthday present, and if that doesn't work, then there's always Christmas.

In case you're a WoW fan, but haven't been following the developments of Cata, there's several notable changed. One of which is the level cap being put up to 85, from 80, also they're adding a new profession called Archaeology (I'm not too sure what this is myself to be honest).

In addition to this, there will be 2 new races, Goblins for the Hordies, and Worgen for the Alliance. There will be heroic deadmines, as well as shadowfang keep (should be interesting).

Also, for all you vanilla WoW players, ragnaros is back! Time for a trip down memory lane with him, as I'm sure any vanilla player will tell you, that molten core was a very 'interesting' place back then.

Another really notable feat. in Cataclysm, is that nearly the whole of Azeroth has been remade, and you can now have flying mounts everywhere (YAY NO MORE 100% HORSIES IN AZEROTH :D:D:D:D)

Anywho, can't wait for it to be released!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

IRC, Join it!

Interested in IRC? Looking to chat? Like *Chan imageboards?

Well then you'll love our IRC over at . Currently we have several channels on the network which are fairly popular, these are #hades, #darkstar and #blogspot .

Currently we are still establishing a userbase, so we don't have as many users as we could have, but we're averaging between 80-100 users now, so it is a growing community.

If you'd like to join via Mibbit , or if you have an irc client such as mIRC , Xchat, irssi, or similar, then you can connect at

I'm usually in #darkstar.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Razer l33t Contest

Over at, they are having a contest in celebration of 133,337 fans on facebook, and I for one, am participating in it. They are giving away some really cool stuff, including new gaming gear, such as their mice, keyboards, and headsets.

"A choice of your Professional Gaming Mouse, your ideal Professional Gaming Surface and Gaming Keyboard (just tell us which one you would like to have - it‘s yours), the Razer Megalodon 7.1 Gaming Audio Headset, Razer Armadillo2 Mouse Cable Management System, a Razer Attitude Tee, Razer Messenger Bag, Razer Gear Rack and a Razer l33t Pack."

I believe that they are only giving away 1 grand prize, (keyboard, mouse, headset), however they ARE giving out 1337, l33t packs to users, but in order to qualify you need to get 10 referrals.

I'll leave my referral link below, but as of now, I only need 5 more referrals to qualify for a l33t pack! Sign up, and send your referral link to a friend, don't miss out on some cool stuff.